Make a Phone . Learn how to sell your 3D printed phone in global, online marketplaces.
Design a Phone. Learn how to code to make your own cell phone design.
Sell a Phone. Learn how to sell your 3D printed phone in global, online marketplaces
Innovate a Phone. What improvements do phones need? What can you invent to make a better phone for your family, your friends, your community?
3D Africa sparks your imagination, solves unique problems, and causes you to dream big. 3D printing skills is the career of the future.
Inventors, engineers, musicians, designers, artists, movie producers, medical scientists, and manufacturers have been using 3D printing for many years to determine if an idea will work, making a 3D object first for a fraction of the cost and time. Now, 3D printing is available for anyone to make anything at anytime.
Real-World inventors, designers, engineers, musicians, and artists will be available by online or in-person means to demonstrate how they use 3D printing and to be a mentor in designing, creating, coding, and making 3D printed products.
- Make a prosthetic arm for a child born without an arm
- Print a house or school latrine
- Print parts for a car, bicycle, motorcycle
- Make household items that break or are unaffordable
- Print jewelry, art works, shoes, chairs
- Print toys and games
- Make art “visible” for those who are blind
- Print a Volkswagen van???
If you can imagine it, you can make it! In 3D Africa, you will learn all of the skills you need to make, design, sell, and innovate just about anything.
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